OUR CODE OF ETHICS Our Code of Ethics | Page 2

The Lantero Group’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct identifies the core values and principles that will guide the behaviour of all those employed by any of the Group companies. Scope of application Unified code purpose All Group employees, regardless of the company they belong to, their position in the company hierarchy and/or their geographical or functional location, must comply with the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Divisions which form part of the Lantero Group and therefore are required to comply with this Unified Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct are: All the companies belonging to these divisions are required to comply with the Unified Code. Distribution and maintenance control 02 GENERAL ASPECTS If you are not sure about something in the Unified Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, you should contact your immediate supervisor. Everyone working for the Group must read and understand the contents of this Unified Code and the values that reinforce it. Procedure for reporting complaints The Lantero Group wishes to establish a specific channel of communication with its senior management and managing bodies to report possible irregularities, non-compliance or conduct which may be considered unethical, illegal or contrary to the rules set out in this Unified Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Non-compliance should be reported to [email protected], following the instructions provided. The procedure and modus operandi of the Channel for Complaints are defined in a specific document (Appendix to the present Unified Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct). Investigating misconduct All reports of alleged breaches of the Group’s Unified Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and will be looked into immediately. The Inquiry Committee will launch an investigation process to study any alleged breach of the Unified Code, ensuring confidentiality with and for all those involved. 3