OTWO Magazine July 2023 | Page 50

talks to the brightest minds in rewilding . Ben talks to Ties van der Hoeven , co-founder of The Weather Makers , who is working on probably the most exciting and ambitious rewilding idea you ' ve ever heard of or Kristine Tompkins is founder of Tompkins Conservation and former CEO of outdoor clothing company Patagonia . Or answer the question of why Spain is breaking down man-made barriers in its rivers with Pao Fernandez Garrido . It doesn ' t get any better than this . listen to it .
Rewilding The World . ( Inglés ),
Este nuevo podcast del reconocido activista medioambiental Ben Goldsmith dialoga con las mentes más brillantes del rewilding . Ben habla con Ties van der Hoeven , cofundador de The Weather Makers , que está trabajando en probablemente la idea de rewilding más emocionante y ambiciosa de la que hayas oído hablar o con Kristine Tompkins es fundadora de Tompkins Conservation y ex directora ejecutiva de la empresa de ropa al aire libre Patagonia . O responde a la pregunta de por qué España está rompiendo las barreras hechas por el hombre en sus ríos con Pao Fernández Garrido . Imposible mejorarlo . Escúchalo .
Events Eventos
Uni Climate 2023 July 3-9 . Online .
There is no doubt that this is the largest online event on the climate crisis . More than 40 specialists from Spain , Europe , Latin America and the United States will participate in the fourth edition of Climática ' s educational space . On this occasion , they will address three thematic areas : biodiversity , energy transition , and health and inequality .
In this edition we can highlight Francisco Loret , Professor of Ecology at the UAB and CREAF researcher who will give a masterclass on biodiversity and why it should matter to us , also noteworthy is a round table on energy transition with the participation of Mercedes Ballesteros , Director of the energy department of CIEMAT ; Pedro Ramiro , PhD in Chemistry and coordinator of OMAL ; and Hàjar El Mansouri , regulation technician at UNEF . In addition to the screening of the film " Rebellion ", an online cultural talk 24 OTWO 48 / JULY 2023