Atacama Salt Flat
The Salt Flat is located at 2,300 meters, on an ancient lake that was formed more than four
billion years ago. Underfoot there are large underground brine deposits that are very close to
the surface.
The salt flat is rich in non-metallic minerals such as potassium sulfate, boric acid, or the biggest wealth is
giving to the area: lithium carbonate. Lithium is found throughout the all area called Puna, a territory that
covers Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.
In Chile: Atacama. In Bolivia: Uyuni. and Argentina: Jujuy. A territory that contains 85% lithium carbonate
that exists in the world, this is why it is known as the Triangle of Lithium.
It is a mineral that is revolutionizing the world because it is the essential matter to produce lithium batteries.
The batteries produced are environmentally friendly and high efficiency so necessary nowadays for mobile
phones batteries, hybrid cars, laptops etc.