San Pedro de Atacama is in the region of Antofagasta and it belongs to Chile, we can get from Santiago
by bus, a journey of about 36 hours, the buses are very well conditioned and high comfort, their seats are
wide reclining like thos e of an airplane in first class. Another option is taking a plane from Santiago, from
Argentina, or from Bolivia. If we go from Argentina, we get to Salta where we will find a tour, a bus and
vehicles to access Atacama. And getting from Bolivia, we can reach Chile after crossing the Salar de
But if we want to have an extraordinary
adventure, a route that we recommend is: Salta in
Argentina, rent a car and go through San Salvador de
Ujujuy, San Antonio de los Cobres and Humahuaca.
We can choose to continue to the Salar de Uyuni
and then reach San Pedro de Atacama.
I can assure you that the itinerary is unforgettable.
If you want to reach San Pedro deAtacama by air
from Santiago de Chile; the trip is two and a half
hours, with a small scale in Antofagasta, where you
get in Atacama’s airport in 20 minutes.
Once at the airport there is a bus that leaves us in
San Pedro de Atacama. It is a private service with
very reasonable prices an one hour of travel.
The accommodation ranges from $30 to $120 US,
the average price is about $ 40, and excursions can
be arranged in various agencies offered on the main
street of San Pedro: Caracoles Street.
In the Caracoles Street you can do all kinds of
activities as all is focus on it. You can hire a tour; use
ATMs, exchange money, rent bikes, eat in
restaurants or night music bars.