Tiahuanaco is a city located at a distance of about
70 kilometersand it is believed to be the oldest of
the Andean villages. The Spanish historian Pedro
Cieza de Leon (1518-1560), during his visit to these
temples, wrote that he had the impression of being
in the oldest place he had ever visited in the Andean
What it is clear is that the remaining ruins of this
city where the statue of Viracocha God and the sun
gate stands, is the basis of the culture of the Incas.
Reach Tiahuanaco from La Paz, it is accessible by
hiring some of the excursions on the many agencies
that you can find in the city center. The price ranges
about 55,000 Bolivianos and it takes about two
hours. The main attraction is the temple of
Kalasasaya, the basis of Tiwanaku culture where we
can see the famous Puerta del Sol, and the heads
and statues of Viracocha embedded in the floor and
walls that encloses the the Temple. In the
surrounding area they keep making excavations in
search of new temples hidden in the sand.