Basilica of the Virgin of Copacabana
It is a colonial church in Renaissance style with Moorish elements. It was completed in 1640
although the current temple dates from 1805. The entire building is covered up with cupolas using
beautiful tiles.
It has been and it is a very miraculous virgin for
the faithful, and these, in gratitude they made
many donations in the form of jewelry and gold
for graces received (a richness that dictators and
presidents sacked). Nowadays it is still happening.
A traditional way of worship is to visit the basilica
and light a candle for each family member or
beloved, for it to receive the blessings and
protection of the Virgin.
The celebration party
It is known as the Virgin of Candelaria of
Copacabana, by the fact that she was enthroned
on February 2 in 1583, feast of the Virgen de la
Candelaria, and due to she is carrying a candle in
his right hand.
His feast is celebrated the 5th of August, with
processions, popular dances and religious