OTnews July 2023 | Page 6


Odeth Richardson
Hearing from OTs of Caribbean heritage – commemorating Windrush Day
Author , former locally elected politician and occupational therapist , Dr Blaine Robin , and our Chair , Odeth Richardson , have formed a collaboration with occupational therapists of Caribbean heritage throughout the UK . This is in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Windrush generation coming to Britain . The initial aim is to co-author a textbook that will assist the current and next generation of occupational therapists to learn about the occupational needs of people of Caribbean heritage . If you ’ d like to assist with this project or join the Caribbean Network of Occupational Therapists , you are invited to contact Dr Blaine Robin via b . robin @ leedsbeckett . ac . uk . To read more about the project visit bit . ly / 3r4PwWp .
Government needs to prioritise filling social care vacancies , not recruiting volunteers , RCOT says
On 7 June , it was announced that the NHS Volunteer Responders Programme scheme will be expanded into social care , to form a joint NHS and care volunteering programme and allow care providers to recruit volunteers to help people in their local areas .
Backed by £ 3 million , the scheme will use the same GoodSAM app that NHS volunteers currently use , to bring providers and volunteers together .
Commenting on the plan to recruit an ‘ army ’ of social care volunteers to support people being discharged from hospital , RCOT Policy and Public Affairs Manager , Ben Powick , said : ‘ While volunteers undoubtedly play an important role in the care system , there are 165,000 vacancies in social care in England .
‘ Social care is about so much more than picking up medication and shopping , and without filling all the gaps in the workforce , people won ’ t be able to access the support they need .
‘ This announcement is even more disappointing considering the government backtracked on its previous commitment to social care investment in April . Thousands of occupational therapists work in social care , and they ’ re crying out for support as they see sharp increases in demand , according to our recent workforce survey .
‘ All of this added up suggests that the government just doesn ’ t value our hardworking social care workforce and doesn ’ t care about the
people supported by it .
‘ This is why we need a Social Care People Plan to address the crisis in the sector and to ensure that people have access to the support when they need it , something which we have been calling for as part of the Future Social Care Coalition .’ For more on the government ’ s plans visit bit . ly / 3qVUCEa .
Thousands of occupational therapists work in social care , and they ’ re crying out for support as they see sharp increases in demand , according to our recent workforce survey .”
© Eva-Katalin via Getty Images
6 OTnews July 2023