OTnews July 2021 | Page 36

A unique experience As a level four undergraduate student , I was extremely keen to start my final placement . I had completed all my academic work at university and had secured my first postgraduate job as a rotational occupational therapist in a local hospital .
When approached by Glasgow Caledonian University to consider completing a remote placement , I knew it was something I needed to do to graduate . However , getting ready to start placement was somewhat overwhelming , yet exciting .
This was a completely new concept of practice education and something I had never heard of . There was minimal research completed and , due to the ongoing global pandemic , I jumped at the opportunity of being one of the very few occupational therapy students being given the opportunity to complete this type of placement .
As Susan has highlighted , communication was vital for this placement to be a success . Going onto a remote placement pushed me out of my comfort zone . Through communicating online with Susan , I was able to establish a routine , and structure my days effectively .
The university had developed a weekly tracker for me to use and present to Susan within my supervision sessions . I soon realised the delivery of this placement was the same as my previous placements , I just wasn ’ t in the office .
I still had expectations and a report to produce , and weekly supervision sessions . I had a virtual half-way ‘ visit ’ from my lecturer at university and ongoing calls to support Susan and myself .
Susan and I would speak a minimum of two times on Near Me each day , as well as communicating via telephone calls . Using alternative methods of communication ensured that I could demonstrate to Susan how I could utilise the transferrable skills I had learnt throughout my four years at university .
I was able to draw on my skills of being a strong communicator and really pushed myself to interact with clients in the same way I would if I had been face to face with them .
Ongoing reflection was required . Each visit I attended via Near Me brought different challenges and successes . Through reflection , Susan and I were able to understand what worked well and what did not .
From the beginning of my placement , Susan allowed me to become my own style of practitioner . This was of particular benefit to me going into my first job .
I was given the responsibility to write within the patient notes . I had never read any of Susan ’ s notes , therefore I was unable to structure mine in a similar format . This was the ideal opportunity for me to fully immerse myself and develop my SOAP note writing skills – a requirement going forward into employment .
I typed my notes up at home on my NHS Lanarkshire laptop , inserted them into a template already used by the team and emailed them through to Susan for her to file on my behalf .
It was difficult for me to fully manage my own caseload . However , I did work closely with some of our patients , aiding in building robust therapeutic relationships . On numerous occasions I was given the opportunity to lead on sessions and have Susan in the background if needed . Doing this allowed me to fully utilise the occupational therapy process and understand the importance of the interventions I had planned and completed alongside the patients .
I managed my own project during my eight weeks on placement . I was given the opportunity to develop a resource for the team – collating websites for individuals to manage their longterm condition independently . I then created from this an easy-toread handout for each long-term condition .
Completing this task enhanced my understanding of the ongoing therapy patients can do at home between occupational therapy visits . Furthermore , I researched and delivered a presentation on the input occupational therapists can have with individuals living with functional neurological disorder .
This placement opened up many doors for me . I was asked to present on a webinar to explain my positive experience of completing a remote placement and encourage practice educators to fully consider giving students this opportunity .
At university we are expected to be self-directed learners , so why can ’ t an element of this be incorporated into our practice education placements ?
Nikki White , band five occupational therapist , Borders General Hospital , NHS Borders
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36 OTnews July 2021