OTnews January 2020 | Page 44


2021 applications from across the UK welcomed
Contact the relevant board secretary to request an application pack : Learning and Development Board contact : angie . brown @ rcot . co . uk Research and Development Board contact : kinza . ahmad @ rcot . co . uk
The board secretaries will be happy to put you in touch with a serving board member for informal discussion about the role ,
The Royal College of Occupational Therapists ( RCOT ) is seeking to should you so wish . recruit new members who are engaged and want to contribute to their profession and make a difference . Vacancies exist on both the RCOT Board : Learning and Development and Research and Development
These vacancies are open to all RCOT members across the four nations of the UK . RCOT actively encourages LGBTQ +, Black , Asian and minority ethnic ( BAME ) and disabled applicants and values the positive impact and difference this will have on our boards and organisation as a whole .
The boards normally meet three times a year , either virtually or in London , and all reasonable expenses for board-related activities are reimbursed by RCOT . Applicants with disabilities are also supported .
Board membership provides an opportunity to further develop your strategic leadership skills and to promote and support the development of the profession .
Each board supports the delivery of the Education and Research Core Business Plan and RCOT ’ s Annual Work Plan in related areas , and each business year contributes to two to three specific agreed areas of work from these . The term of office is three years commencing after the AGM .
As a member of the RCOT Board : Learning and Development , your strategic role will be to :
■ consider and , where appropriate , provide a steer on new and emerging policy that impacts on pre- and post-registration occupational therapy education ;
■ identify key related matters that may impact on the profession ; and
■ support and promote RCOT campaigns .
This is a busy and active board with plenty to focus on including : the impact of the global pandemic on pre- and post-registration education ; supporting the expansion of placement capacity across all four UK nations ; supporting the growth and retention of RCOT student membership numbers ; and contributing to and influencing the Advancing Practice agenda across all four UK nations .
The RCOT Board : Learning and Development would particularly welcome applications from members from : marginalised and under-represented groups ; members in leadership roles , particularly those able to bring a perspective on advancing practice and the related career development frameworks ; and members with expertise in and experience of leading innovations in curriculum design and practice-based learning . There are two vacancies on this Board .
As a member of the RCOT Board : Research and Development , your strategic role will be to :
■ support the delivery of the RCOT Research and Development Strategy ;
■ encourage the identification , development and uptake of research career pathways by occupational therapists ; and
■ help to identify gaps in research evidence relevant to the profession , together with associated funding opportunities .
This is an exciting time for the board as we continue to focus on supporting members to engage with the RCOT Research and Development Strategy 2019-24 , and encourage research to address the Top 10 research priorities for occupational therapy in the UK . There are three vacancies on this Board .
The RCOT Board : Research and Development particularly welcomes applications from members : from marginalised and under-represented groups ; with expertise in digital transformation and digital research ; who work as practitioner-researchers and clinical academics ; with expertise in inter-professional collaborative research , particularly related to rehabilitation ; with expertise in public health and social prescribing ; and with experience of working with hard to reach groups .
Application deadline : 12pm 15 February 2021
Royal College of Occupational Therapists ( or ‘ RCOT ’) is a registered charity in England and Wales ( No . 275119 ) and in Scotland ( No . SCO39573 ) and a limited company registered in England ( No . 1347374 ).
Registered office : 106 – 114 Borough High Street , London SE1 1LB . VAT Reg . No . 242 7829 47 .