OTnews January 2020 | Page 43

Council members are not expected to represent constituent groups of the profession , but rather to act as leaders of the profession as a whole . They may be called upon to debate complex issues and make important decisions in order to safeguard the organisation and its members . In terms of the level of input required , council members are expected to attend four one-day meetings a year , normally held in London and starting at 10.30am , but currently held virtually . They are also expected to attend the annual general meeting and annual conference .
Expenses are refunded in line with the organisation ’ s agreed expenses rates . There is a considerable volume of documents to read and consider before each council meeting . There are also routine council emails , which may , for example , involve members in feeding back specific information within defined deadlines .
Being a council member is a demanding , but fulfilling , role and you are advised to gain the support of your manager so that they are aware of the time away from work , which the responsibility of holding a national office involves .
Those who have previously served on council have reported the experience as stimulating , educational and rewarding . This is an opportunity to develop your skills in a new sphere , to act as a leader in the professional community and to support your professional body .
BAOT / RCOT is keen to actively encourage people from underrepresented groups and from a range of backgrounds to consider these opportunities and we are keen to welcome broad perspectives , skills and experiences .
In support of this initiative , if you think you may be interested and would like to have a confidential informal discussion with the chief executive , Julia Scott , to find out a bit more please , phone Jane Martin on tel : 020 3141 4601 to book a call with Julia for the morning of Tuesday 9 February .
Please note that all nominees must be BAOT professional members in good standing ( of at least five years in good standing for the role of chair ). Proposers and seconders must be members of BAOT in good standing . Election will be by a ballot of BAOT members in good standing .
The independent scrutineer for the ballot , appointed in accordance with the Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation ) Act 1992 , will be Civica Election Services . The election results will be announced at the AGM in June 2021 .
How do I get involved ? Visit www . rcot . co . uk / about-us / governance / council-and-boards / royalcollege-occupational-therapists-council for more information and a nomination form , or contact Dominique Le Marchand , RCOT senior administrative officer for a nomination form or additional information . Email : dominique . lemarchand @ rcot . co . uk or tel : 020 3141 4617 .
The deadline for receipt of nominations is noon on Friday 5 March 2021 , by either hard or electronic copy .
The following seats are available for nominations : Chair of council : the key tasks for this role are to provide leadership to BAOT / RCOT , to chair council meetings and to ensure that council functions effectively and carries out its duties . The chair of council is elected annually . Professor Diane Cox is eligible to stand for re-election for a third year in office if she so wishes .
Council member , RCOT Board : Learning and Development : this role is for an individual who is working within a higher education establishment providing occupational therapy programmes accredited by RCOT , who will become the chair of the RCOT Board : Learning and Development . The current council member , Lisa Ledger , was elected as a casual member for a one year term of office ending at the 2021 AGM and she is eligible to stand for re-election if she so wishes .
Council member , RCOT Board : England : this role is for an individual who is working and / or resident in England , and who will become the chair of the RCOT Board : England . The current council member , Alison Wilcox , will complete her three-year term of office at the 2021 AGM and is not eligible to stand for re-election .
Council member , RCOT Board : Northern Ireland : this role is for an individual who is working and / or resident in Northern Ireland , and who will become the chair of the RCOT Board : Northern Ireland . The current council member , Lena Canavan , will complete her three-year term of office at the 2021 AGM and is not eligible to stand for re-election .
Council member , RCOT Board : Scotland : this role is for an individual who is working and / or resident in Scotland and who will become the chair of the RCOT Board : Scotland . The current council member , Fiona Warrender , will complete her three-year term of office at the 2021 AGM and is not eligible to stand for re-election .
Council member , RCOT Board : Wales : this role is for an individual who is working and / or resident in Wales and who will become the chair of the RCOT Board : Wales . The current council member , Kim Atkinson , will complete her three-year term of office at the 2021 AGM and is not eligible to stand for reelection .
Council member , Industrial Relations : this role is for an individual who is a BAOT steward , who will become a member of the BAOT / Unison occupational therapy panel . The current council member , Cathryn Holding , was elected as a casual member for a oneyear term of office ending at the 2021 AGM and she is eligible to stand for re-election if she so wishes .
OTnews January 2021 43