The National Institute for Health Research ( NIHR ) Applied Research Collaboration Kent , Surrey , and Sussex ( ARC KSS ) has developed a new website and launched a report focused on developing consensus about the implementation priorities for adult social care and social work ( October 2021 ) as part of the National Priorities Programme . For more information visit :
https :// arc-kss . nihr . ac . uk / npp-adultsocial-care-social-work . To access the full report visit : https :// arc-kss . nihr . ac . uk / document-download / 141- national-priorities-programmeprioritisation-report-20211008 / file .
RCOT encourages occupational therapy practitioners who are eligible , and able , to have the COVID vaccination . We acknowledge , however , that not everyone is vaccinated . For those occupational therapy practitioners who are not vaccinated , RCOT ’ s advice is to abide by the local regulations of the organisation ( s ) you are working within . It would be prudent for unvaccinated independent practitioners to take a lateral flow test prior to visiting people who access services , their families and carers . RCOT strongly advises that government COVID-19 precautions are adhered to . For further information , please refer to the Unison guidance Mandatory COVID vaccination of health and care workers ( England ), which can be downloaded at : https :// bit . ly / 3rGAFQi . RCOT members ( except those who are self-employed ) are automatically members of Unison and Unison acts as the trade union on RCOTs behalf .
New guidance on the role occupational therapists play at strategic levels in adult social care services
RCOT has launched new guidance on the roles and responsibilities of principal occupational therapists in adult social care services in England .
Endorsed by Skills for Care , the guidance is supported by the chief allied health professions officer for England , chief social worker for adults for England and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services in England .
Prompted by an awareness of the importance that lead occupational therapists play at strategic levels , this guidance provides a capability statement to be used as a foundation to bring consistency to job role planning across England .
It can also be used to : demonstrate the role of the principal occupational therapist , support the development of new principal roles and amplify the important part occupational therapists have within social care ; highlight how principal occupational therapists can work alongside principal social workers and directors of adult social care to provide collaborative , person-centred , inclusive , and effective services ; and align the roles and responsibilities of principal occupational therapists with the four Pillars of Practice as set out in the RCOT Career Development Framework .
Commenting on the report , RCOT chief executive , Steve Ford said : ‘ We know that despite the small percentage of occupational therapists based within adult social care in England , they are responsible for a high proportion of work and are essential in delivering key aspects of the Care Act .
‘ As leaders within social care , principal occupational therapists can articulate to others the valuable role the profession holds working alongside their principal social work colleagues . Their role as strategic leaders plays a vital part in bridging the gap between health and care that is so important to best meet the needs of people in receipt of services ’
Principal occupational therapists in adult social care services in England : Roles and responsibilities is available to download at : www . rcot . co . uk / node / 4265 # rcot-resources .
RCOT publishes new data and innovation strategy
It is important that all occupational therapists acquire a firm understanding of their information and data needs alongside those of their colleagues , partners in care , those who access their services and funders of their service .
Occupational therapists practise in an age of ‘ information abundance ’, and over recent years a growing number of different tools and communication channels have been adopted in practice to record , use and share information or data .
Occupational therapists are therefore required to have a more sophisticated comprehension of where data or information sits alongside an understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with different tools and communication channels .
To support the occupational therapy workforce with developing data literacy skills and contributing to national , local and organisational data projects , RCOT has developed the following three recommendations and goals to steer members ’ activities until the end of 2023 :
• improve the structure and quality of occupational therapy data recording in electronic health and care records ;
• become interoperable ready ; and
• develop data leadership skills . Download the Royal College of Occupational Therapists ’ Data and Innovation
Strategy 2021-2023 at : www . rcot . co . uk / data-innovation-strategy .
8 OTnews December 2021