OTnews August 2020 | Page 66

COURSES AND EVENTS Studio, 51 Lever St, Manchester M1 1FN. Cost: presenters £40; RCOTSS members £55; non-RCOTSS members £100. https://bit.ly/3g5qcVM 10 OCTOBER 2020 Skill acquisition in stroke rehabilitation NCORE Trainer: Dr Louise Johnson. This is a one-day workshop, covering current theory and evidence relating to motor control, motor learning, and skill acquisition. Attendees will come away with a sound understanding of the current evidence base in this field, along with practical examples of how to apply this in clinical practice. CPD certificate of attendance awarded: 6 hours.Venue: Leamington Hospital, Warwick. Cost: £130. For more information and other events email: [email protected] or tel: 01332 254679. www.ncore.org.uk 10 – 11 OCTOBER 2020 Posture and balance as it relates to selective control of the upper limb NCORE Trainer: Erica Malcolm. Course aims: Understand the terms posture and balance as they relate to a ‘normal movement’ perspective; identify key aspects involved in maintaining the integrity of the upper limb in the early stages of recovery post CVA; relate the ability to control ‘selective’ movement of the upper limb to overall posture and balance; structure an assessment of the upper limb taking into account alignment, tone, patterns of movement, and relate this to potential for function; identify when an upper limb is/is not able to be facilitated and why. CPD: 11.25 hours. Venue: Hermitage Medical Centre, Dublin. Other dates: 21 to 22 November 2020 at Darlington Memorial Hospital, Darlington; 3 to 4 December 2020 at London Road Community Hospital, Derby. Cost: £220/€300. For more information and other events, email: [email protected] or tel: 01332 254679. www.ncore.org.uk 12 OCTOBER 2020 Management of spasticity in the upper limb following stroke NCORE Trainers: Lucy Gwynne and Michelle Kudhail. Course aims: to provide an overview of assessment and management of spasticity with a particular focus on the upper limb; to provide you with the tools to set up an early self-monitored practice programme that the patients can follow; we will also look at the types of feedback that are available and discuss attentional focus and how that is particularly important for the upper limb. CPD: 5.5 hours. Venue: London Road Community Hospital, Derby. Cost: £130. For more information and other events, email: [email protected] or tel: 01332 254679. www.ncore.org.uk 13 OCTOBER 2020 How to use Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMs) virtual workshop Community Therapists Networks This one day, virtual TOMs workshop, led by Professor Pam Enderby, will provide participants with tools to collect and measure outcomes data on clients receiving treatments. The day will include both theoretical and practical components. Venue: Webinar. Cost: £175. www.communitytherapy.org.uk 15 OCTOBER 2020 Compassion for voices NCORE Trainers: Peter Ord and Mark Sanderson. This one-day event is for anyone interested in learning about the latest ideas and approaches from around the world in understanding and responding to voice hearing. CPD: 7 hours. Venue: Park Inn, Northampton. Cost: £130. For more information and other events, email: [email protected] or tel: 01332 254679. www.ncore.org.uk 17 – 18 OCTOBER 2020 Unravelling strength and conditioning for therapists NCORE Trainer: Andrew McCauley. This intensive two-day course will give you an introduction into how S&C can transform your current practice both with athletic and non-athletic patients. CPD: 15 hours. Venue: London Road Community Hospital, Derby. Other dates: 14 to 15 November 2020 at Darlington Memorial Hospital, Darlington; 16 to 17 January 2021 at Hermitage Medical Clinic, Dublin Cost: £260/€300. For more information and other events, email: [email protected] or tel: 01332 254679. www.ncore.org.uk 19 OCTOBER AND 17 NOVEMBER 2020 Neurological upper limb for occupational therapists NCORE Trainer: Erica Malcolm. This course will include sessions covering the areas of applied upper limb anatomy, muscle mobilisation techniques and facilitation. A patient will be assessed and practical sessions will be based on clinical findings. The course is primarily aimed at those working in adult neurology but may also be of interest to those working in other associated fields. CPD Certificate of attendance awarded: 11.25 hours. Venue: London Road Community Hospital, Derby. Cost: £220. For more information and other events, email: [email protected] or tel: 01332 254679. www.ncore.org.uk 20 – 21 OCTOBER 2020 Apraxia – Implementing the evidence into practice NCORE This is an advanced course that enables occupational therapists to 66 OTnews August 2020