OTnews April 2023 | Page 55

Professional resources

New YouTube channel features key wheelchair skills
Pete Donnelly has shared his new YouTube channel , which features nearly 30 videos of key wheelchair skills . Here , he highlights some of the features that mattered to him when he designed the videos . He told OTnews : ‘[ The videos ] have skills for everyone . You can take the skills that will make a difference for you , with levels set at beginner , intermediate , advanced and expert . They are bitesize videos that can be watched when you have two minutes to spare and all have a clear format : the skill ; why it ’ s useful ; keeping safe ; and demonstration .’
There are no adverts to interrupt viewing and excitingly all of the videos are designed for phones . ‘ Watch them at home , then watch them when you ’ re outside practising the skills ’, he urges .
‘ If you know someone who would find these useful then please share them ,’ he says . ‘ This is the start , with more content on the way . If there is a skill that you ’ d like to see , then let me know .’
Get access to the YouTube wheelchair skills training videos at www . youtube . com /@ wheelchairskills . Visit www . wheelchairskills . org .
© TEDx Warrington
Call for examples of rehabilitation services for older people
Do you provide rehabilitation for older people ? The British Geriatric Society ( BGS ) would like to ask for your help in showcasing examples of rehabilitation services for older people .
Yours might be a community service helping older people to recover when they have been discharged from hospital . It might be a ‘ pre-hab ’ service developed with voluntary sector partners , encouraging older people to be active in order to slow down the progression of frailty .
Or it might be an in-hospital programme to help older people build their strength and balance , and avoid deconditioning .
Wherever rehabilitation is undertaken , BGS would like to hear how it is helping older people , focusing on patient outcomes and any challenges you face , as well as achievements . BGS is particularly keen to hear from members of the multidisciplinary team across the four countries of the UK , with rehab case studies from community , primary and acute care and from care homes . BGS is inviting you to self-record a video of up to 10 minutes describing your service and how it is helping older people . You can make the video yourself or you can contact Geraint Collingridge to arrange professional AV support g . collingridge @ bgs . org . uk .
Please provide a description of your service and team , as well as who would present .
BGS plans to show a selection of the case study videos at its Autumn meeting , which takes place in Birmingham and online from 22 to 24 November 2023 . It will also host the videos on its website . To submit your project as an abstract visit www . bgs . org . uk / abstract-submission-0 . A spokesperson told OTnews : ‘ BGS is committed to promoting the importance of proactive care to help older people live healthy , independent lives for as long as possible . We know that providing rehabilitation when someone has been discharged from hospital is vital in helping them recover and regain strength to do the things they did before .
‘ As well as improving health outcomes , it reduces the likelihood of readmission and saves the NHS money . We know that there are significant workforce shortages which prevent older people from receiving the rehab they need . Although the provision of rehab is patchy across the UK , there are nevertheless great examples . Please help us to find them and illustrate what it is possible to achieve .’ Please send your videos to g . collingridge @ bgs . org . uk by 31 May 2023 .
April 2023 OTnews 55