OTnews April 2023 | Page 54

My message is , please look to see if any potential candidates have identified that they need reasonable adjustments at the outset . Look to see if they ’ ve identified that they might have unseen needs and reach out to them to see how you can support them .”
My message is , please look to see if any potential candidates have identified that they need reasonable adjustments at the outset . Look to see if they ’ ve identified that they might have unseen needs and reach out to them to see how you can support them .”
‘ I had answered all the questions , not very well , all the while knowing that I knew all the answers and could have elaborated if I ' d had reasonable adjustments ; so if they ' d been written down for me in advance and I ’ d have had some time to think about them .’
And in terms of the virtual platform , they say the experience would have been enhanced if there had been time built into the process to get the presentation up while others had their cameras off , rather than the pressure of having to navigate it while people were online waiting .
‘ With a face-to-face interview . It ’ s much easier for an interview panel to pick up on cues that indicate the person is struggling , as 80 percent of communication is often identified through nonverbal gestures or actions .
‘ For me , it ' s even the model of interviewing . Why should we say that one shoe fits all ? We don ' t do that with the people we see , so why should we do that with everybody ? Of course , I understand there needs to be an equality to the interview process , but it could be equitable for everyone still if the interview style was changed according to the individual .’
It ’ s a strong message . ‘ By highlighting my own experience ,’ they reflect , ‘ I just want my occupational therapy colleagues to be aware that there are things that people can do . When I was finally told I didn ’ t get the job , and I mentioned that it would have been good if reasonable adjustments had been made for me , I discovered the panel didn ’ t even know that I had learning difficulties .’
In conclusion , they stress : ‘ My message is , please look to see if any potential candidates have
Resources Link
Reasonable adjustments : Employers must make reasonable adjustments to make sure workers with disabilities , or physical or mental health conditions , are not substantially disadvantaged when doing their jobs . This applies to all workers , including trainees , apprentices , contract workers and business partners . For more information visit www . gov . uk / reasonable-adjustments-fordisabled-workers
Unison support : UNISON provides industrial relations support for the British Association of Occupational Therapists ( BAOT ). See www . rcot . co . uk / practice-resources / unisonservices-resources / support and https :// bit . ly / 3Z4Wg1D .
RCOT support : The Professional Practice Enquiries Service is a member benefit that deals with enquiries relating to all aspects of professional practice in the workplace . Visit https :// bit . ly / 3Z8N10y
Health and Care Professions Council ( HCPC ) Health and Character guidance : Further information on HCPC ’ s health and character declarations and the support available if this is causing you stress can be found at www . hcpc-uk . org / registration / meeting-ourstandards / guidance-on-health-and-character /.
identified that they need reasonable adjustments at the outset . Look to see if they ’ ve identified that they might have unseen needs and reach out to them to see how you can support them .
‘ Don ’ t put the onus on the candidate to have to ask for them , which causes additional and unwarranted stress .’
Words In conversation with TRACEY SAMUELS , Editor , OTnews and ANNE KEEN , RCOT Professional Advisory Service Manager . Contact editorial @ rcot . co . uk or anne . keen @ rcot . co . uk
54 OTnews April 2023