OTnews April 2023 | Page 5




Social transformation through occupation The benefit of joining international colleagues to encourage critical dialogue
Treading a non-traditional path Navigating the OT world as new graduates taking a non-traditional path
Production and design officer Janine Reid
Chair Odeth Richardson
Contacting OTnews
Editor Tracey Samuels
CEO Steve Ford
Production and design officer Suzanne Jefferson
President Baroness Sheila Hollins
Contacting RCOT
The job I love

47 Bhavini Pandya talks about her role as an OT and physiotherapy assistant

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More to student life than academia ? Celebrating the ways students are living the occupational therapy ethos
Supporting our colleagues ’ needs
Do we always consider reasonable adjustments for colleagues when needed ?
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Deadlines : Editorial : 26th of the month . Advertising : 1st of the month .
OTnews is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd , a registered charity in England and Wales ( 275119 ) and in Scotland ( SCO39573 ), Phoenix House , 106-114 Borough High Street , Southwark , London SE1 1LB .
Pre-press and printed in England by The Lavenham Press Ltd , tel : 01787 247436
Total net average circulation of 34,636 print copies ( July 2021 – June 2022 )
April 2023 OTnews 5