OTnews April 2023 | Page 43

The dialogue between international colleagues espoused by the sites was transformative and unlikely to have been achieved via participation and engagement in the WFOT Congress alone ...”
These conversations also gave insight into the different lens each person and country brought to their experience of congress . The sense of belonging afforded through these new friendships alleviated anxiety from a potentially daunting professional environment , and shed light on the meaning making of congress by each of us .
Our conversations are continuing online with colleagues to look at international placement opportunities , sharing resources about the emerging role of occupational therapy within social transformation projects or ‘ eco-solidaire ’ and future social occupational spaces that engender critical dialogue and reflexivity ( Farias et al 2019 ).
The critical dialogical approach outlined by Farias et al ( 2019 ) can promote ‘ collaborative knowledge generation and examination of taken-for-granted understandings that shape individuals ’ assumptions and actions ’.
Farias K et al ( 2019 ) Critical dialogical approach : A methodological direction for occupation-based social transformative work , Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy , 26 ( 4 ): 235-245 , DOI : 10.1080 / 11038128.2018.1469666
Pollard N , Sallekariou D ( 2017 ) Occupational therapy on the margins , WFOT Bulletin , 73 ( 2 ): 71-75 . DOI : 10.1080 / 14473828.2017.1361698 .
Van Bruggen H , Kantartzis S , Pollard N ( 2020 ) ‘ And a seed was planted …’ Occupation based approaches for social inclusion . Whiting & Birch Ltd .
The dialogue between international colleagues espoused by the sites was transformative and unlikely to have been achieved via participation and engagement in the WFOT Congress alone ...”
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Words LINDSAY TRURAN , Senior Lecturer , Occupational Therapy Degree Apprenticeship , University of Hertfordshire
April 2023 OTnews 43