OTnews April 2023 | Page 32

Right : Kawa is the Japanese word for river and the Kawa Model conceptualises life flow as a river
changing and evolving . It is unique for each individual and not necessarily linear , which felt like the perfect lens to highlight the breadth and depth of roles , life circumstances and experience , workplace context and career possibilities across the diversity of occupational therapy .
As part of each conversation , we ’ ve asked people about the source of their career journey as river ; what drew people to occupational therapy ? How did it all start ? We asked about the tributaries ; what has contributed to the career flow in terms of skills , experiences and opportunities ?
We ’ ve talked about how the environment has enabled or restricted development and progression and the boulders or challenges , times of white-water and turbulence and what ’ s helped during those times .
We ’ ve also spoken about those meanders in the river course ; the ways in which people ’ s career journeys may have turned or changed course , either anticipated or otherwise . And the outlets ; the possibilities , opportunities , alternatives that they ’ ve experienced .
Additionally , the prompts used to guide career conversations have also been repurposed into a Kawa-based reflection tool that prompts thinking around career development and progression within and beyond the four pillars of practice .
This will soon be available via the RCOT website and aligns with the broader AHP ‘ Grow Your Own Career ’ project and narrative .
And I ’ d personally just like to say a huge thank you to everybody that ’ s contributed to this series . It really has been a privilege to facilitate and capture these conversations , and I very much hope that you enjoy listening to them .
Career conversations
Recorded and produced by RCOT , this series of vodcasts ( video podcasts ) focuses on hearing and sharing the career narratives of our diverse workforce . The series highlights a range of possibilities and opportunities in occupational therapy . Each vodcast is also available in traditional audio podcast format and / or text transcription .
These vodcasts and podcasts are part of the RCOT and Health Education England ( HEE ) collaboration to create an Allied Health Professionals ( AHP ) Workforce Reform to shape the future of the AHP personnel . The learning and insight will be for all four nations . Visit https :// bit . ly / 3ZvMwOp .
Iwama MK , Thomson NA , Macdonald RM ( 2009 ) ‘ The Kawa Model : The power of culturally responsive occupational therapy ’, Disability and Rehabilitation , 31:14 , 1125-1135 , DOI : 10.1080 / 09638280902773711 .
Words HANNAH SPENCER , Occupational Therapist . Further information and resources relating to the Kawa Model can be found at www . kawamodel . com .
32 OTnews April 2023