OTnews April 2023 | Page 31

All members of our occupational therapy workforce , irrespective of background and / or characteristics , should feel valued , respected , and supported to develop their talents to the full .”
This will provide , in a sense , a living library of narratives of possibilities in occupational therapy in a way that is representative of the breadth , depth and diversity of occupational therapy and our workforce .
Inclusion of early career occupational therapists , pre-registration learners , members of our occupational therapy support workforce and occupational therapists in all kinds of roles , including leadership , together within the same overarching series , highlights the value and importance of each and every member of our workforce .
With emphasis on journeys , pathways , narratives and possibilities , and with its natural lean towards creative or visual learning styles and multimedia formats , using the Kawa Model and the analogy of career journey as river course was a natural fit in terms of a lens to frame the career conversations series .
The Kawa Model of occupational therapy was devised by Professor Michael Iwama . Kawa is the Japanese word for river and the Kawa Model conceptualises life flow as a river . The path of the river flowing from source to the river mouth is a metaphor for life ’ s journey .
In its original form , the water represents life flow , the riverbanks and bed are its multifaceted environment . Challenges or obstacles are represented by rocks or boulders , and influencing factors such as personal values and so on , which can either help , hinder , or both , are defined by the driftwood .
The spaces between these elements are considered as the opportunities to enhance the life flow ( Iwama et al 2009 ).
The metaphor can evolve endlessly or take an entirely different form , led by the individual and their perspective and understanding . The Kawa Model can be used in a number of ways , for example looking back at the river course , or looking at the here and now in a cross section snapshot of the river course .
Kawa is versatile in its use in practice and reflection and it gave an equally universal and accessible lens for those conversations to all members of our occupational therapy community in sharing their career narratives .
And what is particularly beautiful is that river course of life and career ; inseparable from the environment it ’ s something that ’ s consistently
All members of our occupational therapy workforce , irrespective of background and / or characteristics , should feel valued , respected , and supported to develop their talents to the full .”
April 2023 OTnews 31