OTnews April 2023 | Page 17

Veterans are at a higher risk of mental health issues compared with the general population , due to the unique stressors they experience during their military service .”
including therapy , medication and communitybased support , there are also challenges associated with providing mental health care to veterans , including stigma and a shortage of mental health professionals .
Addressing these challenges and providing effective mental health care for veterans is crucial to improving their overall health and wellbeing . Issues that need to be considered are their physical injuries , financial difficulties , and social isolation .
Following the COVID-19 pandemic there was a reduction in physical spaces where veterans could get support for their physical and mental health in the South West of England . Much of the support was moving online with local centres closing .
Many veterans were identifying lack of connectivity as a barrier to wellness . At appointments with veterans on our caseloads , there were many discussions regarding the concept of a one-stop shop for veterans and that they knew lots of people who would benefit from this if available .
UK military charities suggest that loneliness and social isolation are prevalent for veterans of all ages , ( Wilson et al 2018 ). Often , the main challenge with seeking support is the stigma veterans feel . They can be embarrassed or ashamed in needing to seek help for invisible health issues , including their mental health , and invisible disabilities , which can prevent them from accessing the care they need .
What we did about it
Over the past three years , local links with charities and the public sector have been developing and it was identified we were working with many of the same struggling veterans . Help for Heroes started a face-to-face space once a month . This was within a military setting with increased security . It was not ideal for the group of veterans we wanted to target .
Discussions within the Op Courage team lead to the group being offered the use of Bedminster Cricket Club once a month . In July 2022 , the first ‘ Veterans Hub ’ was held .
Creating a good therapeutic space involves creating an environment that is safe , confidential , comfortable , calming , empathetic , open and trustworthy , thus supporting positive participation ( Harrison et al 2015 ).
The cricket club location worked because it was a neutral space , there is plenty of parking , it ’ s on a bus route , it has a large accessible outside green space with a wall of French doors , there are quiet confidential areas and access to a kitchen .
Veterans are at a higher risk of mental health issues compared with the general population , due to the unique stressors they experience during their military service .”
The large space allows many organisations to come together in one area , so the veterans can come to one place to get support from many statutory and charity organisations .
Collaborative working in mental health is crucial because it recognises that mental health issues are complex and multidimensional . A collaborative approach ensures individuals receive a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan that considers their physical , psychological and social needs .
This approach is particularly important in the treatment of individuals with severe and persistent mental health conditions , who often require support from a range of professionals . Collaborative working also improves communication between professionals and enhances the sharing of information . This improves the quality of care provided and reduces the risk of errors or omissions .
Regular attenders at the hub are Help for Heroes , Op Courage , Department for Work and Pensions , Bristol City Council , VetsUK , Royal British Legion , The Poppy Factory , Forces Employment Charity , Models for Heroes , Filton Pétanque and Armed Forces Breakfast Clubs .
We have a veteran who acts as a meet-andgreet , asks the visitors to sign in , makes them a welcoming drink and introduces them to other veterans or the profession / organisation they have come to visit .
Developments , publicity and benefits
Currently , the poster inviting veterans to the hub is distributed via social media and organisations ’ websites . There is a plan to link the poster to upto-date information via a QR code . There is also a plan to get these new posters distributed more widely ; on buses , in GP surgeries and in sports centres .
It has been requested by veterans that the traditional bacon and egg banjo be available and a rota is being drawn up for kitchen duties .
April 2023 OTnews 17