OTnews April 2023 | Page 16

Military rehabilitation
Occupational therapists Joanne Lawson and Kathryn Guy talk about the development of a ‘ one-stop ’ hub to support veterans with their physical and mental health in the South West of England .

Military rehabilitation


Creating a safe , therapeutic environment for veterans

Occupational therapists Joanne Lawson and Kathryn Guy talk about the development of a ‘ one-stop ’ hub to support veterans with their physical and mental health in the South West of England .

V eterans are at a higher risk of mental health issues compared with the general population , due to the unique stressors they experience during their military service . These stressors may include combat exposure , separation from family and loved ones and the challenge of transitioning back to civilian life ( Vaughan-Horrocks et al 2021 ). Veterans face a range of mental health challenges because of their military service , including post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ), depression , anxiety and substance abuse . While there are several treatment options available ,

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