OTnews April 2022 | Page 67

Courses and events risk assessment as a tool to assist with clinical decisions as an occupational therapist working in the community . It covers principles of risk assessment and management , how to risk assess to help with best interest decisions , functional assessments and provision of equipment or adaptations . Venue : Remote training via Microsoft Teams – you stay at your home . Time : 9.30am – 1.15pm . Cost : £ 36 for the first 10 people then £ 60 per person ( inc VAT ). Contact : Gabriella . Mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or 01223 229091

Courses and events risk assessment as a tool to assist with clinical decisions as an occupational therapist working in the community . It covers principles of risk assessment and management , how to risk assess to help with best interest decisions , functional assessments and provision of equipment or adaptations . Venue : Remote training via Microsoft Teams – you stay at your home . Time : 9.30am – 1.15pm . Cost : £ 36 for the first 10 people then £ 60 per person ( inc VAT ). Contact : Gabriella . Mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or 01223 229091

14 and 15 July 2022
Graded motor imagery NCORE At the end of the course , participants will : understand the process of GMI and where it fits into an overall treatment programme ; be able to identify appropriate patients for GMI from both clinical presentations and research outcomes ; have knowledge of the scientific underpinnings of GMI ; have practical skills in using the three components of GMI ; be able to confidently translate learnt GMI skills to effective treatment applications . CPD : 15 hours . Course will be live
and delivered via Zoom . Cost : £ 295 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or 01332 254679 www . ncore . org . uk
18 and 19 July 2022
The importance of the visual processing system in achieving normal function NCORE This course enables occupational therapists to revise visual processing systems and gain confidence in diagnosis and intervention . CPD : 14.5 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 350 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or 01332 254679 www . ncore . org . uk
5 September 2022
SI Module one : Foundations and neuroscience Sensory Integration Education SI Module one is the first module in our online , university accredited , MSc Advancing Practice SI pathway . Aim – to understand current neuroscience and relevant and emergent theories , concepts and practices , related to Ayres ’ Sensory Integration . You will be able to relate sensory processing to the underlying neurology and evidence base of SI . Bookings close 5 August 2022 . Venue : Online event . Cost : £ 1,099 ; Postgraduate packages from £ 2,849 ( Instalment plans available ) www . sensoryintegrationeducation . com
7 and 8 October 2022
Sleep : Course in CBTi ( the only NICE recommended treatment protocol ) Sleep Unlimited Ltd Day one : Sleep assessment and management . Day two : Advanced assessment and treatment strategies . Live interactive training led by engaging sleep psychologist Dr David Lee . Deepen your knowledge and understanding of this neglected area of clinical practice . Recognise the importance of sleep disturbances and manage insomnias with evidence based strategies . See website for further training . Venue : Online . Time : 9.30am – 4.30pm . Cost : Two days £ 252 incl . VAT . Contact : training @ sleepunlimited . co . uk www . sleepunlimited . co . uk / nextcourses
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April 2022 OTnews 67