OTnews April 2022 | Page 66

Delivered by Stephen Naylor , MD of Access Independent and Caroline Brown , Independent Occupational Therapist . We will have IT support available to help you log on . Venue : Remote training via Microsoft Teams – you stay at your home . Time : 9.30am – 1pm . Cost : £ 36 for the first 10 people then £ 60 per person ( inc VAT ). Contact : Gabriella . Mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or 01223 229091
14 June 2022
Complex behaviour clinical forum networking event RCOT SS – People with Learning Disabilities Networking event to link up specialist section members who work in or have an interest in working with individuals who present with complex behaviour / behaviour which challenges services ( likely to be occupational therapists who work in intensive support team , Inpatient Units and Community Teams . Venue : Virtual . Time : 4.30 – 6.30pm . Cost : Free www . rcot . co . uk / events
14 and 15 June 2022
Apraxia – Implementing the evidence into practice NCORE This is an advanced course that enables occupational therapists to take an evidence based approach to the assessment and treatment of clients with apraxia . Development coordination ( DCD ) or developmental apraxia is not covered on this course . CPD : 14 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 350 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or 01332 254679 www . ncore . org . uk
22 June 2022
Assessment and Ideas for the treatment of the wrist and hand in adults with neurological damage NCORE Trainer : Erica Malcolm . By the end of the course the delegate will be able to : Undertake a structured assessment of the wrist and hand as they relate to posture and movement ; clinically reason the significance of wrist and hand alignment on an individual ’ s ability to move the upper limb ; begin to develop treatment ideas relating to the wrist and hand – their alignment and influence on function ; gain feedback on handling skills relating to the wrist and hand in a practical setting . CPD : 7.25 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 130 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or 01332 254679 www . ncore . org . uk
27 June and 1 July 2022
Assessment of Motor and Process Skills ( AMPS ) online plus five day course NCORE Overview : Participants will complete the AMPS online plus course with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous online learning ; participants will be given guidance about the browsers the asynchronous online course works best in prior to commencement of the course ; participants will use the eail address they register with to access the asynchronous online course throughout their training , so should ensure they have access to that email during their study time ; participants will be asked to complete some precourse reading . CPD : 46 hours . Course will be delivered online . Cost : £ 920 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or 01332 254679 www . ncore . org . uk
28 and 29 June 2022
Task specific training sit to stand and walking NCORE This course will introduce you to the biomechanical analysis of two of the tasks that therapists train on a regular basis and will help you to understand the difference between compensatory movements and missing essential components . It will also cover how to plan and implement evidenced based training strategies for whole and part task training programmes to aid those with a neurological movement disorder . CPD : 14 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 220 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or 01332 254679 www . ncore . org . uk
1 and 2 July 2022
Learn sleep : Course in CBTi ( the only NICE recommended treatment protocol ) Sleep Unlimited Ltd Day one : Sleep assessment and management . Day two : Advanced assessment and treatment strategies . Live interactive training led by engaging sleep psychologist Dr David Lee . Deepen your knowledge and understanding of this neglected area of clinical practice . Recognise the importance of sleep disturbances and manage insomnias with evidence based strategies . See website for further training . Venue : The Wesley Euston Hotel , 81-103 Euston St , London NW1 2EZ . Time : 9.30am – 4.30pm . Cost : Early bird rate for two days £ 374 incl . VAT . Contact : training @ sleepunlimited . co . uk www . sleepunlimited . co . uk / nextcourses
11 July 2022
Risk assessment for occupational therapists Access Independent This course will consider the use of
66 OTnews April 2022