Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 38

their careers . Suggestions for their involvement included offers to mentor current students , helping fund and oversee startup incubation center , to focusing on improving the brand of the college and sprucing up and upgrading the labs and classrooms with the latest equipment . One can be sure to see a lot more coming from this Class in the subsequent years !
From the OU campus , the Class made their way to Leonia resort ( on the outskirts of the City ) where they spent the next 24 hours , with little to no sleep , playing indoor / outdoor sports , dining , and guzzling down loads of alcohol . The highlight of their stay was an 8 hrs non-stop session , confessional of sorts , where each of the classmates got up onto the stage and spoke about where they started , what they ’ ve done so far , and where they would like to see themselves in the next 5-10 Yrs . There were a lot of laughs , there was some serious soul searching , and also a few tears . Without getting into the details which will be shared secrets of the Class ( whatever happens there , stays there ), suffice it to say that the entire Class bonded over the session and came close to each other in a way that would not have been possible otherwise . That session elevated the whole reunion to an entirely new level and energized the entire Class . On Dec 18th , as the Sun started to go down and the twilight hour set in and it was time to head back to their lives and their reality , slowly the cars started pulling out of the dusty unpaved parking lot and friends hugged and bid goodbye to their reconnected classmates knowing that goodbyes are essential before they meet again .

OUCEAA Activities