Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 37

Walk down the memory lane 25 th Year Reunion for OU Mech Class of 1991

It has already been 29 yrs since this class set their feet on the campus . Fresh new faces , most of whom had just turned 17 , full of hope and ready to conquer the world . They came from varied family backgrounds ( from farmers , business owners , and professionals ), from different regions across India ( e . g ., Himachal Pradesh , North Eastern states ), and with stellar accomplishments ( including national champions in sports such as triple long jump , handball , and cricket , to those that had already started building engines and planes to those that had performed phenomenally in academics at their State and institutional levels ). The 4 years on campus proved to be an amazing melting pot for these young ones with stresses of the semester end exams serving as a catalyst to bring the different personalities to come together and collaborate while the rest of the free time was spent in the engineering canteen bonding and building lifelong friendships . It was clear from the very start that this was going to be an exceptional one-of-a-kind batch as it had a good mix of personalities with lots of charisma , leadership abilities , and drive for academic excellence . Their current profile validates that initial assessment with this Class leading across multiple fronts - high end research in renewable energy , drones , and automobiles , entrepreneurship with companies driving infrastructure for sports , optimization of retail supply chain , and aerial drones , leadership in public sector units ( mining , petroleum , etc .,), advising and consulting top management across industries , providing updates to State Assembly , driving cutting edge software for several industries including stock trading to cloud computing , and serving in high impact positions across varied industries including finance , banking for the ultra high net worth individuals , transportation , hi-tech , commercial shipping , petrochemicals , and others .
It was amazing to see this Class congregate again at the OU Mechanical building on Dec 17th . The energy and the excitement was palpable as the classmates , some of whom were meeting each other for the first time after 25 years , acquainted themselves with the buildings , the labs , the faculty ( including meeting the Principal S . Sameen Fatima and faculty members V . Nageswara Rao , P . Usha Sri , V . Uma Maheshwar , and few others faculty members from the department ), and the alumni executive members ( including Rammohan Rao , Vijay Kumar , Praveen Dorna ). Most of them had travelled long distances and blocked off their busy calendars to dedicate the next couple of days entirely to their classmates . The classmates bonded over tea , lunch , planting a commemorative mango tree in front of the Mech building , and classroom discussion involving welcome address from Ms . Fatima , all of which would not have been possible without the active involvement and coordination from the small but highly efficient alumni relations team . This was a perfect setting for the entire Class to reflect on where they started , where they are , and shifting gears into how they can help their alma mater that has been an unparalleled launchpad for

OUCEAA Activities