Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 30


OUCEAA Activities

Mr . Surana , stated that India produced around one tenth of all products that China produces and India has the potential to surpass China ’ s production in next 20 years . This is possible only by growth dependent on low base , shift in demographics and globalization . By low base , he meant how a small change in low initial input amounts can be translated into a large percentage change in output . Shift in demographics refers to a state where the number of people dependent are less compared to the number of earning population . He also mentioned that India has reached this stage in 2005 . By globalization he refered the opportunities , exposure and developments in technology . Since all these three growth parameters are pretty much relevant today , Mr . Surana wished to see the current generation capitalise on these opportunities to grow and succeed .

Alumni Talk # 2 Sridhar Narayan Porindla

Mr . Sridhar Narayan Porindla , is the Alumni of Bio Medical Department , OU , 1984-88 batch . He is the owner of Hyderabad based SN Consultancy , which boasts of many distinguished clients like GE , Philips , Mindray etc . His line of work is the Medical diagnostic Ultrasound .
In words of Mr . D . Vijay Kumar ( General Secretary , OUCEAA ), Mr . Sridhar is the first applications specialist in the country , way back in 1991-92 and has seen the industry evolve .
Mr . Sridhar delivered his lecture on the topic - “ The opportunities in Ultrasound diagnostics .” He spoke of his association with various colleges and companies around the world like GE , Philips etc . He told the students that these companies depend on thousands of Ph . Ds for supporting their research work and the support
network mainly consists of undergraduate or graduate students / interns which opens up vast range of research opportunities for students . He also stressed the importance of providing dedicated courses by the companies to the students . He expressed his wish that our current syllabus can be modified to introduce modality , speciality and the experienced based learning in the students ’ area of interest which will open up a wide range of career opportunities .
He observed the existence of POPs ( Professor of Practice ) in US Universities , essentially who are alumni and successful business / industry practitioners . They share their experiences with the students which results in deep knowledge sharing . Though we currently don ’ t have such practice in our system in Indian universities , he