Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 17

About Alumni Association UCE , OU

Once the University College of Engineering was declared autonomous the idea of having an Alumni Association , whose membership would include all past students of the College and present or past faculty members of the college , gained momentum . Although ‘ Osmania Graduate Engineers Association ’ has been in existence since 1978 , the past students of University College of Engineering , Osmania University were feeling a need for an Alumni Association of the institution .
Under the dynamic leadership of then Principal , Prof . D . C . Reddy with helpful suggestions and guidance from Prof . D . V . R . Vithal and Prof . G . R . K . Murthi , the first get-together of the alumni was held on Saturday the 3rd July , 1996 . Subsequently , a committee consisting of 14 members was constituted in the meeting to finalize details of bye-laws . The committee held a detailed discussion and a draft MOA along with bye-laws were prepared . Under the leadership of Prof . D . Shantaram and able guidance of then Principal Prof . D . C . Reddy , the Alumni Association took birth and registered as a Society on July 15 , 2015 . Since then , the association has strived towards acknowledging the accomplishments of Alumni and keeping the bondage between Alumni and Alma Mater intact in every possible way . Here is the list of Officers In-charge for Alumni Association of OUCE till 2015 .
S / No Name Year of Taking Charge End of Term
1 2 3 4 5
Prof . D . Shantaram Prof . VSS Kumar Dr . G . Mallesham Dr . P . Raj Shekar Dr . B . RajenderNaik
1996 1998 2004 2008 2014
1998 2004 2008 2014 2015
With changing times , the old bye-laws required changes to cater to the demands of the alumni . There was a need to revive the committee in every possible way , right from changing the governing rules to constituting a new governing body , to rejuvenate the true spirit of Alumni Association and foster the belongingness & brotherhood among the alumni . A Revival Committee consisting of sixteen members was constituted by Prof . S . Ramachandram , Principal ( I / C ), OUCE to reactivate and strengthen the Alumni Association in April 2015 .
The Revival Committee quickly took charge and started working towards the arduous task of changing the bye-laws to institutionalize the practises that would keep Alumni engaged and connected in this Digital Era . The vision for the association was chalked out and the same was recommended to be part of the amended bye-laws . The Objectives of the Alumni Association were formulated to fulfil the very fundamental reasons for the formation of the association . The sucessful Genderal Body Meeting subsequently led to elections and first unanimously elected Governing Body was formed on 17th September , 2015 .
After taking charge of the office , the governing body has started out the journey by preparing for the Global Alumni Meet , the first of its kind , hosting for 1500 + alumni in the campus to create a common platform to exchange views and set direction for the Alumni Association . The Governing Body has also formed various sub committees to institutionalise and stream line the processes to reflect professionalism and trust . The sincere efforts put in by the Governing Body , Committee members , all the enthusiastic Alumni volunteers and students toward building a strong and world class Association will be possible only with the patronage of the Alumni at large .