Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 16

( Dr . D . Vijay Kumar )


Dr . D . Vijay Kumar

General Secretary , Alumni Association , University College of Engineering
It is great pride that the revived Alumni of University College of Engineering , Osmania University has successfully completed a year .
The team , in my view has been doing proper justice to the legacy started by eminent Professors , who laid the foundations . The new energy , immense support , continuous efforts and determination brought in by the fellow Alumni across the batches of 1950s to 2016s , Faculty of OUCE and Students during the Global Alumni Meet 2015 was tremendous . Under the able leadership of Mr . R . V . Rammohan Rao the association has been working on lot of activities and initiatives which added value for the College , Students and Alumni . Many of the activities undertaken by us are elaborated in this souvenir .
The constituted teams have been working on various activities , round the year . We have tried to bring the Alumni closer to the College by conducting various Alumni Talks , Guest lectures and initiatives for Faculty and Students . Various activities like reunions of the Alumni , Strategic planning of the college , encouraging innovation among students etc ., were facilitated in the last year which has increased participation and brotherhood among the Alumni . I am very confident about the leadership & ability of all the members of the Body and Sub-Committees to continue to work strenuously towards the vision set forth for the Association .
Given that the support of the Alumni at large is eminent and is the very basis for success of the Association . The Executive Body successfully completed our Alumni Office and created a home for all Alumni at our Alma Mater .
The Global Alumni Meet 2015 was a grand success and looking forward for the second Global Alumni Meet 2016 to be equally effective and meaningful . We are continuously working towards building a strong and vibrant Alumni Network of OUCE . I earnestly request all the Alumni to look back to your roots and contribute in whichever way possible for nourishing and reviving the brotherhood .
I truly believe from heart that “ Once an Osmanian is always an Osmanian ”.
( Dr . D . Vijay Kumar )