Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 14

( Prof . Ravande Kishore )

Prof . Ravande Kishore

Dean , Faculty of Engineering Osmania University


I am delighted to learn that our Alumni Association is organizing the second GLOBAL ALUMNI MEET on 25 December 2016 at our Institute premises .
Alumni represent their Institute as brand ambassadors worldwide and the Alumni of University College of Engineering are no exception to this reality . Several Alumni of this historical Institute have been occupying positions of eminence and have contributed their professional might immensely and significantly thus impacting the society at large . The Institute is indeed proud of each of the Alumni for their professional contributions to the cause of enhancing the quality of life of all living being . It is in this context , the GLOBAL ALUMNI MEET is truly relevant where we will perhaps introduce ourselves once again in our new role . The occasion further provides a great opportunity and the grand platform for all of us to come together and spend a nostalgic day walking through the memory lane of those cherished times of college . It is also a grand opportunity for every Alumnus to see for themselves the growth and the development of their alma matter and contribute to its further enrichment .
I am happy to learn that the Alumni Association is planning to felicitate distinguished Alumni who have made a mark in their professional career at a younger age during the Second GLOBAL ALUMNI MEET . This is certainly a noble idea and a lovely gesture towards our fellow Alumni . I compliment the Office Bearers of our Alumni Association for their great idea of recognition and admiration .
Through this message , I wish to place on record my deepest appreciation for the most dedicated work done by our dynamic President Mr . Rammohan Rao , energetic General Secretary Mr . Vijay Kumar , and all other enthusiastic Office Bearers of the Association . They have contributed by every means ; TAN-MAN-DHAN to make our Association a VIBRANT organization . Three cheers to them !!
I am sure this D-Day will be a day of great joy , where our mind would be reverberating with memories of college days , with an opportunity to become younger and enjoy the freedom . I wish my all co-alumni a great time on this eventful day of GLOBAL ALUMNI MEET .
I wish all the Office Bearers and the Organising Team of the GLOBAL ALUMNI MEET a Grand Success .
( Prof . Ravande Kishore )
Dean 9