Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 13

( Patron - Sri . D . N . Reddy )

Dr . D . N . Reddy

Patron , Alumni Association , UCE , OU Vice Chairman , Governing Council and Director ESCI-The Institution on Engineers Ex-Chairman , RAC , DRDO Ex- Member , UGC , MHRD Ex-Vice Chancellor , JNTU


University College of Engineering is one of the premier institutions in the country imparting Quality Engineering Education in the state of Telangana particularly Rural Students . The institute has trained many Engineers since 1929 and Alumni occupying very high positions in the country who are spread across the world .
University College of Engineering is the first autonomous institute under State of Andhra Pradesh . The Institute is having excellent Infrastructure Facilities , State of Art Curriculum , Best-Teaching-Learning processes and excellent placement opportunities for the students of OUCE in all disciplines .
The Institution provided opportunity for meritorious students to pursue Engineering Programmes in the State of Telangana . The graduates of this institute earned reputation , leadership and managerial abilities in various organizations in Irrigation , Power and Energy , Roads , Buildings , Public Sectors enterprises , R & D Organizations like CSIR , BARC , DRDO and many IT , ITES and MNCs . Many of Alumni became successful entrepreneurs who brought laurels for the Institution .
I wish Second Global Alumni Meet 2016 of Osmania Engineers all success .
( Patron - Sri . D . N . Reddy )