OSES | Page 82

Bibliografia e Sitografia William J. Mitchell, “Roll over Euclid: How Frank Gehry designs and builds”, in J. Fiona Ragheb (a cura di), “Frank Gehry, Architect”, New York, Guggenheim Museum Pubblication, 2001, pp. 352-363. Branko Kolarevic (a cura di), “Architecture in the digital age: design and manufacturing”, New York, Spon Press, 2003 American Institute of Architects, “AIA document a201-2007”, 2007. Carlo Carozzi, “L’applicazione pratica del sapere”, in “Fondazione Ivo de Carneri Notizie”, Giugno 2009, anno X, n. 19. Anderson R., “An Introduction to the IPD Workflow for Vectorworks BIM Users”,in www.vectorworks.net/bim/articles.php, 2010. Payne A., Issa R., “Grasshopper primer second edition”, Open published, 2010. www.domusweb.it/it/op-ed/open-source-architecture-osarc/