Tips to improve writing of your child
Display your child‘s writing. (When he/she has made a good attempt)
Practice standard letter formation of the alphabet.
Model for your child by writing in front of him/her. Decide what to write ( a letter to a friend or
relative, a grocery list, story, poem). Sound out words as you spell them, and then reread out loud
with your child.
Create a book with your child about a vacation, your family, things he/she likes to eat, pets
he/she would like to have, etc. Illustrate the book.
Ask your child to tell you a story. Write down whatever your child dictates to you.
Write simple, complete sentences with your child that focus on one topic. Begin to elaborate the
sentences with descriptive words (adjectives).
Write sentences with correct capital letters and punctuation.
Assist your child with recognizing and using complete sentences.
Good manners are an outward expression of inner virtue. These are best learnt by constant use
and example. Experiences and attitudes of children in their formative years are reflected in their
future. At a very tender age they should be taught the correct and important graces of life so that
they imbibe these at the earliest. Good manners make interaction smooth and pleasurable.
Manners are pen portrait of an individual.
Let us try and teach good manners and make our children good human beings.
Encourage them to always use these ―magic words‘ :
PLEASE when they want someone to do something for them
THANK YOU when someone does something for them.
SORRY when they do something wrong, intentionally / unintentionally.
EXCUSE ME when they sneeze or cause an interruption.
I BEG YOUR PARDON when they would like something to be repeated or to offer an apology.
YOU‘RE WELCOME when someone thanks them.