ORIENTATION volume1 | Page 7

 Ask the child to go on and read till the end of the sentence. Often by reading the other words in context, the child can figure out the unknown word.  Ask the child to read new words and sentences again as repetition will help him/her to remember them and pronounce them correctly.  Try to use new words learnt in different sentences.  Play word games. Tips to develop mathematics skills of your child Parents can help develop mathematical skills no matter what their child‘s age by exploring the maths in the world around them. First graders are developing a more complex understanding of numbers. They know that 6 can be 5 and 1, 3 and 3 etc. They know that all sets of 6, no matter what objects, are equivalent, they are also developing the idea that ‗nothing‘ is represented by 0, and that any number in the system can be written with the digits 0-9. Give your child plenty of opportunities to count and measure Read a recipe and have you child measure the amounts for the ingredients. Use different measures such as teaspoons, cups and bowls. Using a calendar help your child count to find the number of days until an upcoming event. If you bring some vegetables/fruits home from the market, have your child count them. Then add them to the number of vegetables you already have. Find ways to practice number operations Pick a number between 1 to 20 (or between any 2 numbers up to 100). Ask your child to guess the number, then you tell him if your number is greater than or less than his guess. Have your child keep guessing until he guesses the right number. Count 8 coins hide 4. Ask ―How many are hidden?‖ Does the child know that there are 4? Have your child pick ten grapes, then eat one. Ask how many are left? Where you‘re doing the laundry, have your child match all pairs of socks. How many socks are there? How many pairs? Compare and organize tools, dishes, or other objects based on size, color or weight. Some family games that use math skills : Memory card and board games can help your child learn.