ORIENTATION volume1 | Page 2

So much happens in Std. 1 .Because of this, parents as well as children may have some apprehensions about what will happen. It is extremely important to keep in mind that we all build on small successes. Each child will progress at his/her own rate, acquiring skills when he/she is developmentally ready. Maintain each child‘s self-esteem and building a secure foundation for future growth will always be a priority for us. Here are some ways you can help.  Celebrate your child‘s success, no matter how small it may seem. This will keep your child enthusiastic about learning and proud of his/her work.  Read your child‘s school diary and go through his/her notebooks and books on a daily basis.  Read aloud stories to your child everyday. The more your child is exposed to language the easier it will be for him/her to incorporate new skills in reading and writing in the classroom.  Read out a new word to your child everyday. This will help to enhance his/her vocabulary. A GUIDE FOR CLASS ONE PARENTS Practical skills my child needs to start class 1  Can follow instructions  Can write his/her own name  Can count up to 20.  Can recognize numbers 1 – 10  Can tell left from right  Can name & recognize colours and shapes  Can handle crayons, scissors and pencils  Can dress up on their own and fasten buttons and zips.  Knows how to use the toilet,  Knows how to wash his/her hands.  Knows a contact number of a parent or guardian.  Can identify his/her belongings – bag, clothes and lunchbox.