Orgasm By Command PDF EBook Free Download | Lloyd Lester Orgasm By Command PDF EBook Free Download | Page 32
Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control
First, maintain a steady tempo during penetration. Allow
your thrusts to slowly gain momentum and when you
sense you are fairly close to a climax, slow down, and if
need be, withdraw entirely. Resume penetration when the
arousal tapers off. Communicate with your partner why
you are doing this. Her support with help you build
greater confidence in your performance.
Second, try alternating between deep and shallow
thrusting. Shallow penetration will stimulate the sensitive
nerve endings within the first 2 inches of a woman's
vagina. Deep thrusting will present less friction and
stimulation on your penis glans and help you rock on
much longer!
The Bottom Line Is This...
Premature ejaculation need not become a lifelong
problem- unless you choose to let it become one.
By learning and practicing the proper tips,
techniques and strategies, you can turn around a
lifetime of embarrassment and begin to enjoy
incredible sex and finally give your woman the sexual
pleasure that she deserves.
Don't be too hard on yourself when things don't go right
at first. Developing ejaculatory control may not be the
ejaculation need
not be a
permanent fixture
in your life… it
CAN be cured.
most natural thing to do initially. It does take time,
patience and practice. But keep your spirits up and try to
see the lighter side of things even when you 'accidentally
spill' during sex!
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