Orality Journal Volume 3, Number 1, 2014 | Page 17

Creating Learning Communities 5. Finalize the cohort program. The excitement grows as you see God bringing together each person as part of the cohort. At this stage, the leader-coaches finalize an outline of the schedule, the lectures, guest instructors, case studies, field trips, lodging, and so forth. Administrative support with these details is paramount. Now you are ready to launch the cohort. Sustaining a Cohort Below are four steps to sustaining the cohort. 1. Pour into the leader-coaches. Leader-coaches are the backbone of a cohort. Provide personal, pastoral presence with each of the leader-coaches. Know them. Serve them. Love them. Pray for them. Find out their most pressing vocational and/or personal needs and make every effort to meet those needs. Provide backup support. Be a sounding board. Link the leader-coaches with logistical and administrative resources as much as possible so that they are free to concentrate on their main thing. Find creative ways to say thank you. Demonstrate how significant their ministry is in serving the cohort participants. 15 2. Create a positive feedback loop. Establish a system for formal and informal feedback. Formally, provide a survey evaluation form for the students to write their reflection on the quality and impact of the cohort. Informally, meet with each cohort member individually or in a smallgroup context. Engage with them about their life, ministry, and experience in the cohort. Pray with them. Ask them open-ended questions about their experience in the cohort. Make use of stories and the grapevine. Let some stories flow freely in and through the network of interactions both within the cohort and the larger cohort community. 3. Innovate and promote. Healthy feedback can serve as a catalyst for ongoing innovation, collaboration, and buzz. This is huge to the future sustainability of a cohort. The word on the street needs to get out in a positive way through stories, testimonies, and sound bites of God at work in the lives and ministries of the students through the cohort. Harness the web and word of mouth as much as possible.