Orality Journal Volume 3, Number 1, 2014 | Page 16

14 Orality Journal, Volume 3, Number 1, 2014 Barfoot, MacIlvaine, Ballard For example, will it be for all pastors, or only lead/senior pastors? Will this cohort serve non-pastoral ministry leaders that serve with NGOs? The framework of the cohort in addressing the emerging needs will dramatically impact who facilitates and participates in the cohort learning community. 3. Identify leader-coaches. The third step in the development of a cohort is to identify seasoned leader-coaches who have travelled down the road of ministerial leadership and have the scars to show it. It has been found effective to team two or three primary leadercoaches together. In this sense, the leader-coaches model a micro community for the larger cohort. These leader-coaches are free to bring in other guests to help facilitate the student learning process. The leadercoaches will make or break a cohort. It is essential that they have the character, competence, and experience related to the cohort focus. 4. Search for cohort participants. Emerging needs have been surfaced, providing enough information to frame a general picture of the cohort. In addition, you have two or three leadercoaches ready to pioneer this learning community Together . with your leader-coaches, begin to develop a short list of potential participants. Tap into your own networ ks and the networks of the leader-coaches. Make use of social networking, email and, word of mouth. Once you have identified a minimum of 6 to 12 participants you are ready to launch.