Opening the doors of opportunity | Page 10

Creating a collegiate and vibrant learning environment .

Queen Mary creates this both physically on our campuses , and virtually where students are learning together online . This is underpinned by an engaging pedagogy which offers opportunities for students to contribute and interact . The use of mixed mode education ( MME ) technology and pedagogy means that students are able to participate fully in group sessions whether they are physically in the room or joining remotely . Collaborative learning is one way in which we will achieve diversity of thought : through sharing different perspectives on topics and developing a core skill for high-performing careers .


Our Values ( IPACE )

Medical students taken on virtual ward rounds

Queen Mary medical students were virtually transported into a surgical ward to follow their lecturer on his ward rounds .

The third year medical students sat in the Perrin Lecture Theatre at our Whitechapel campus to watch a firstperson live stream of Professor Shafi Ahmed ’ s surgery rounds at The Royal London Hospital , which was delivered via a camera on ‘ smartglasses ’ he was wearing .

Queen Mary a winner at Pearson ’ s inaugural HE Innovate Awards

Queen Mary University of London has won the award for ‘ Most innovative hybrid or blended learning project ’ at the first ever HE Innovate Awards .

Queen Mary was a winner through its innovative implementation of mixed reality technology into Chemistry Classes . In the absence of face-to-face classes when the pandemic hit , the practical chemistry team at Queen Mary recognised a new approach was urgently needed for students .

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