Onsite Insites by SatisFacts Research 2015 - 2nd Quarter | Page 6
education schedule
FREE 30-Minute Web Series!
the 3rd Thursday of every month
12pm EST…11am CST…9am PST
It’s time to get those
residents up for
renewal off the fence!
MAY 21
One and Done Solutions to
Recurring Complaints
Renters with a Homeowner’s
Is Price Really a Factor?
You've heard the definition for
insanity: repeating the same
behavior and expecting different
results. And yet, sometimes in
property management we do just
that. Residents need an onsite
hero to save them from repeat
problems. Learn how you can
save the day, establish trust and
help residents make an easy
decision when it's time to renew.
Pride in ownership isn't just for
home owners. Apartment
residents want and need to be
proud of their community - they
want to show off and be the envy
of their friends too! During this
webinar, we'll discuss the 3 things
every management team can do
to instill pride in their residents
and make your community the
talk of the town!
Residents facing renewal, and a
rental increase, have much to
consider. Is it all about the
money? When the price
outweighs the lifestyle or the lure
of new construction entices
residents to consider moving, it's
time to get back to basics. This
session highlights the #1 driver
for value along with ready to
implement strategies to get your
residents to see beyond dollars
and cents.