Are we ready to fly?
evolving world I as a market
researcher constantly try
to find relevance of
my work.
Am I doing enough to remain
valuable or I am just struggling to stay afloat?
This is the question that
constantly haunts me every time
I sit on my work desk every day.
Yes I agree that every business
in this world is ‘customer driven’
but many a times I find that
market research industry is more
of ‘customer dictated’ – where
we are just TOLD what needs to
be done and not really asked for
Every day when I have to
haggle with a client for few
dollars – desperately trying
to justify the price that I have
quoted – I ask myself – am
I really providing value or
just lingering to an archaic
institution that is getting
irrelevant in this changing
world. Now some of you
may argue that I am crying
Akshay kanyal
wolf when there isn’t any
– but look around yourself
In a world which is just a
click away the technology
has made it possible to
give wings even to the
craziest ideas. I mean
who would have thought
that just by sitting on your
couch with a Smartphone
you can do every possible
task from booking a movie
ticket to opening up a
new bank account. In this
hyper connected rapidly
technology is giving a direct
link between the producers
the consumers. In a
way aren’t we the market
researchers ‘mediators’ who
are collecting opinions and
providing the same to our