Tips for Using a Market Research Online Community ( MROC ) To Meet Your Qualitative & Quantitative Needs
In today ’ s world of digital and social connectivity , it is more important than ever for brands and companies to connect to their consumers in a more grounded and personal way . There are so many factors that can influence a consumer today that it is almost impossible to really understand decisions , rationales and attribute hierarchies without taking a more holistic approach to consumer understanding . So that leads us to the question – how do we go deeper and find these gems of insight ? We have found that one of the most effective tools that can be used to delve into deeper insights is building an MROC ( Market Research Online Community ). This type of community allows you to reach , engage with and understand consumers in a unique and dynamic way .
By-Jean Marie Warncke
Is mobile causing an identity crisis
for MR ?
There is no denying newer market entrants , particularly those in the Voice of the Customer arena , have used innovative technologies to leapfrog some MR organisations . Because , frankly , the days of sending complicated spreadsheets to a client and leaving them to digest the results are long over . Firstly , multiple column tables cannot be accessed on a mobile device and , more importantly , they do not give the ‘ instant ’ access to reports that today ’ s end users demand . Solutions providers are also moving away from traditional MR tools and focusing their R & D efforts – and investment – on online and mobile-optimised reporting solutions . These are more holistic solutions that are able to capture and analyse in-the-moment feedback alongside data gathered from a wide variety of direct and indirect channels . The virtue of a boutique firm is the ability to spend time digging to get the truth . Most large firms with junior staff controlled by timesheets simply can ’ t or won ’ t do that .
By-Miguel Ramos
Marriage of technology & market research –
How much feasible it is in current times ?
Clients can make the most of their research dollars by first starting with data they have already gathered . In my recent presentation at MRA CRC with Kelsy Saulsbury of Hallmark , one of the first things she recommended for client side researchers was to look at the collection of research that has been done previously , and re-synthesize and repackage in cases where that information can speak to current business questions . Following that , the recommendation was to focus on only the most essential business questions - mapping the intersection of issues that have the most potential to be problematic for organization and are currently the least understood . Research technology can then be leveraged to according to the need of each business question , but ultimately getting the most out of research dollars means working on the most pressing business questions . I disagree with the premise that technology and market research have been on opposite sides . I think while it is true that market research has been slower than other industries to
By-Steve August
Small Is Big - KK Chandan
Big Data has been the Buzz word across the corporate world , consulting and analytics firms off late . Leveraging BIG data is a new mandate this year across many organizations . This includes data management , application of business intelligence and analytics – all to integrate , mine , process and draw rich insight and inferences for BIG picture towards
Are we ignoring data quality to match the
Has Mobile Market Research finally arrived ? - Navin Williams
Education of the insight industry is topmost for any new adaption including MR . That ’ s why I had teamed up with Ray Poynter and Sue York to write the book “ Handbook of Mobile MR ” which is endorsed by ESOMAR .
Who ’ s Wearing ‘ Wearables ’ and Why
speed of decision making ? - Seth Grimes
Market Research Should Care - Research
key research challenge remains what it has always been : To determine which insights will move the needle , that will make a difference , and then to design a study that will produce them . Sure , you can take a different approach – “ I have access to all this data . What does it say ?” – if you can afford to waste time and effort . on Research ( RoR )
Box Sample , Paradigm Sample and Kinesis Survey Technologies recently teamed up to conduct Research on Research ( RoR ), on the use of mobile survey apps . Originally , the team wanted to assess the true value of mobile survey apps by determining the potential trade-off between enhanced functionality