Once upon today...in Europe Once upon today...in Europe | Page 12

The Blue Palace of Cherkasy. (Chaliapin and hotel Cat) The Blue Palace is the building of the former Slavyanskaya Hotel. Her authorship is also attributed to Gorodetsky. On the first floor, where the Zeiger watch shop was located. and the confectionery "Constantinople", and now the decor of the cornices and rosettes and capitals of columns, decorated with leaves of the lotus and acanthus. The rooms of the hotel on the second floor are in the Viennese style, many famous and rich people stopped there.This building is a decoration of our city. The Blue Palace is a romantic name given by the people to the house. The house is a two-storey building. The house is built using romantic neo-gothic style. The facades of the building are oversaturated with décor. The windows are made of narrow slits, rectangular on the first and arched on the second floor. The central entrance ends with a tower that is directed to the sky, which, like a necklace, framed around the little ones. As already mentioned, the exact date of construction is unknown. Also, the construction contractor is not completely aware. Most tends to the fact that the palace was created for the Cherkassy businessman Adrian Nikitovich Scherbyna - a Cherkassy engineer, a member of the city duma, a grabard, was the customer of the construction of the palace. So, on the first floor he opened the hotel called "Slavic". The rooms were decorated in a Viennese aristocratic style and were incredibly beautiful. Perhaps it stopped Chaliapin himself. And it is also possible that the cat who drove a lost voice to the brilliant singer was living here (see below). There is also a legend about this house. About Shaliapin and a cat. Although it is reliable and not known whether Chaliapin was in Cherkassy, it is still interesting. Here is this legend: "Cat was seen at the hotel by Chaliapin when preparing for a performance in Cherkassy. The cat 's t witching was so good and loud and melodious that the famous singer drew attention to him, praised the beautiful baritone and treated him with the fish. After a concert Chaliapin, suddenly felt worst, the voice disappeared. The hotel manager began to seek medicine and even came to the city council with anxiety. Annoyed at the cat, who was lounging under his feet and prevented to save the country's great voice, he threw it away with his foot. The singer saw this, and brought him to his room. Subsequently, without waiting for the medicine, the singer drank cognac with the egg and went to bed. When he woke up, he was healthy and in good mood. And most importantly - his voice not only came back, but sounded more than ever powerful and melodic. Since then, the cat has become a favorite of the hotel guests, and everyone who wanted to even bite his beloved under the guitar under the guitar, wanted to pat the gray behind the ears, because the voice after him, they said, became truly "Chaliapin".