Once upon today...in Europe Once upon today...in Europe | Page 11

Activity 6 . An event from the history of my town

Activity 6 . An event from the history of my town

By Kateryna Zakernychna , Smila Lyceum , Ukraine
Driving along the main street of Smila , one can ’ t but notice the great unfinished construction which was supposed to house a garment factory . The building was started in 1983 and had many owners and everyone had the great plans for it . So , why is it still unfinished ? The problem lies in the fact that in XIX century there was Lutheran church with churchyard on that area . During the first and second World Wars many German soldiers were buried there . Later , there was a shop , gas station , a football field on that place . But everything was located on crypts .
In the early eighties soviet government decided to build there a garment factory . All the constructions were demolished on that area . Before the construction process , churchyard was moved to the village of Ploske . But they say that dead people were not reburied . So , construction started but it was not finished . This building is considered to be dangerous and emergency now . Since then it has become a shelter for the homeless and the place of suicides . Accidents are frequent on that spot . People consider that place to be damned even though the Lutheran churchyard had been destructed . They say that ghost of people buried there can ’ t find peace and revenge people .