Once Upon a Time is Now volume 1 | Page 7

from the fan The American known by the screen name “Elven One” is part of a large and growing community known as cosplay artists. According to the Oxford Dictionary, cosplay is “The practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or v i d e o game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga and anime.” F o r purposes of this article, we are limiting cosplay to the subgenre of fairy tale heroes. And beyond just dressing up as their favorite characters, most cosplay artists create their unique creations and also often participate in elaborate photo shoots. Elven One, pictured at left, has many such shoots of her Cinderella cosplay (as well as others) on the cosplay.com website. This cosplay site is loaded with many artists proudly displaying their work, some with detailed descriptions of the costume creation and information about the photos displayed. The Magic Heart is a piece of fan fiction written by Piccolo Sky. It is a self-described adaptation of a lesser known fairy tale called Donkey Cabbages. This work is just one of many writing samples of fan fiction fairy tales available on the website fanfiction.net. Aspiring writers and folk tale retellers from around the globe are flocking to the web to try their luck at developing their writing skills. Many of the stories available are very short, consisting of only a paragraph or two, while others are submitted a chapter at a time as part of a larger work. This is a great outlet for those that want an outlet for their hobby and to get feedback on their writing and storytelling abilities. To see more of Elven One’s Cinderella The fairy tale seems to be a thriving and gallery, click here:http://www.cosplay.com/costume/418647/ Cinderella. Other cosplay vibrant sub-genre on the fanfiction website. fairy tale examples can be found on the site There are hundreds of web pages of fairy http://www.cosplay.com/costume/472077/ as well, such as Snow White (Snow White) tales available on the site. http://www.cosplay.com/costume/457234/ and Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty). Piccolo Sky’s The Magic Heart can be found here:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10214907/1/The-Magic-Heart Piccolo Sky To take a look at all the other examples of https://www.fanfiction.net/book/Fairy-Tales/?&srt=1&r=103&p=1 fan fiction fairy tales, click here: Fan Fiction http://us.gsk.com bookman memorial library  once upon a time is now    7