On Vacation Guide Book Moscow | Page 7

M In the distant past , the first settlement of the future Moscow appeared at the place where the Neglinnaya flows into the Moscow River on the Borovitsky Cape . In 1147 , Prince Yuri Dolgoruky gave his feast here . This chronicle mention entered the history as the year of foundation of our capital . Already at that time , the settlement was surrounded by a rampart and wooden walls . In this place , Yuri Dolgoruky in 1156 settles the fortress , which became the famous Moscow Kremlin . Fires in Moscow at that time were not uncommon . In 1337 , almost the entire city was burned , so by 1340 the Kremlin was surrounded by new oak walls . Another fire in 1354 again destroys the Kremlin . Repeated event occurs 10 years later . The rulers of the city were in dire need of solving this problem . Dmitry Ivanovich decides to surround the Kremlin with stone fortifications . Dense work on the delivery of limestone begins , and from 1368 white stone walls have been rising in the city . The modern appearance of the Kremlin was formed in the years 1485 - 1495 on the initiative of Ivan III . In the construction was involved a huge number of the best architects of " All Russia ". Also on the construction of the walls and towers of the fortress were involved Italian masters in the construction of fortifications . Italians at that time were building Moscow everywhere , but nevertheless the original Russian designs were not killed , foreign influence came to naught . The first Taynitskaya tower in the Kremlin was built in 1485 by Anton Fryazin . Here were also provided secret passages to the river and a well , providing the defenders of the fortress with water . In 1487 Marco Fryazin ’ s Beklemishevskaya Round Tower occupied the southeast corner . A little later , all the other towers of the Kremlin were built .