The Moscow Kremlin is one of the largest squares, magnificent palaces and an abundance of
architectural and town planning ensembles in the temples. The whole city inside the city, which was
world. It is located in the center of the capital of created over the course of many centuries and today
Russia on a high hill above the Moscow River. The keeps monuments of Russian architecture of the XIV-
height of the walls of the Kremlin, narrow XX centuries. They are the ensembles of the Cathedral,
loopholes, battlegrounds, the dimensional step of Ivanovskaya, Senatskaya, Palace and Troitskaya
the towers - everything suggests that first of all it is squares, as well as Spasskaya, Borovitskaya and Palace
a fortress. But it is necessary to enter the Kremlin - streets. All the ancient and new areas of the Kremlin
and the impression is changing. On an area of 28 constitute a single urban development unit, but each
hectares there are spacious squares and beautiful has its own specific history and architecture.