On Vacation Guide Book Dresden | Page 36

3 . T H E N E W H A L L O F G I A N T S RESIDENZSCHLOSS, TASCHENBERG 2 The Riesensaal is true to its name in more than one way : Its designation originally derives from the painted depictions of giants on the walls , but the pillar - free space was also giant in itself , measuring 741 square metres , and was used for courtly celebrations , masquerade balls and weddings . However , when August the Strong died in 1733 , the Dresden Residenzschloss ( Royal Palace ) lost this space because his son , August III ( 1696 – 1763 ) subdivided it into smaller rooms , including a chapel for his wife , Maria Josepha of Austria . 280 years after it was lost , the Riesensaal reopened in 2013 , resplendent in its original dimensions , yet with completely modern interior architecture . It now serves to present almost 350 objects from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries : suits of armour that covered the bodies of horses and riders , valuable lances , swords and other parade weaponry . Through the windows , visitors see the palace square , where men once fought wearing several kilograms of steel : The din must have been deafening . Originally practiced in preparation for battle , by the end of the fifteenth century tournaments began to play an important role in courtly ceremony and festivity . And the ruling houses fought with style : In their aesthetics , the objects on show in the Riesensaal hardly disclose the purpose they once served . In the place of computer - aided animation , reconstructed fighting scenes take visitors on a visual journey through time . Completing this picture are paintings commissioned by Christian I of Saxony ( 1560 – 1591 ) in honour of his father August , Elector of Saxony ( 1526 – 1586 ), which depict tournaments of that era .