on trend magazine issue 3 | Page 14

This can happen and it will be an enormous risk that you take. It can also happen in reverse. Perhaps you didn’t want the break, agreed and rather like it. Maybe your partner wants to get back. It can be confusing sometimes. Sometimes, both partners really miss each other and decide to work it out. Other times it is nothing more than the cursor to a formal break up. It’s difficult to predict. So, the bottom line is break or break up? The only way to really know is to talk it out first. You and your partner need to really deeply communicate this time. Perhaps before a break or breakup, it would be in your best interest to give it one last try without a break. Perhaps set up a weekly or monthly discussion of the relationship to see how you are both feeling in it. Give each other a bit more space or if there is too much space, perhaps agree on a bit more time together. If you decide on the break, set rules and don’t let it go on for more than three months. Within that time frame you will both know if you want to pursue it again or not. There isn’t any right or wrong way to handle a relationship. Each of you are responsible to doing what you can to make it work. Remember, it takes only one person to end a relationship. If you are both not invested or if a lot has changed, it may not be worth saving. If it’s not working, perhaps a temporary break may help but it is no guarantee that it will cure what ails the relationship. Sometimes some relationships are wonderful for a time and then run their course. Others can last for a lifetime. Before you throw in the towel, get clear on what you need and want and your partners needs and wants. It is not an easy decision but taking the time for understanding what got you to this place is the key to the future. Laney Zukerman, Author, Lessons for an Urban Goddess (available on amazon.com and Barnes and Noble online.) www.laneyzukerman.com