on trend magazine issue 3 | Page 13

relationship trends I recently had a discussion with a couple of friends about the controversy of “taking a break” from a relationship that may be heading south. It seemed that the consensus was, if it was a viable meant to be relationship, you wouldn’t need a break. “If someone wants a break, it is often because they want to play the field,” said one friend. Another friend completely disagreed, confidently stating that she knew of a number of couples that were happily married today that took a break during their courtship. wishing to be single. Other couples are truly addicted to each other. They feel as if they can’t breathe unless they are breathing the other’s air. They get caught up in a dysfunctional pattern of love tests and drama in order to get the other to “prove” their devotion. Some couples fit together like hand to glove from the start and other couples have a great deal of work to do together before they hit smoother sailing. Others just aren’t meant to be. Before making the decision to take a break, breakup or give it one more try, here are some Is there really a right or wrong answer to this? Goddess Pearls of Wisdom: Can a break truly create a happy long-term 1. Don’t panic. Communicate and allow makeup or is it a softer landing into heartbreak yourself to be vulnerable if one of you hotel? mentions a break. 2. Get clear. Ask questions. What is the true Perhaps the jury is still out on this one because reason behind this? people tend to feel rather strongly about this 3. Have you been spending way too much time conundrum. Most of us know that there isn’t a together? Does your partner need more space? relationship that is perfect and that sometimes, Perhaps a weekend or two away or a night out even in good solid relationships things can go with friends more regularly would do the trick. awry. 4. Do you truly love this person, do you feel loved by your partner or could it be infatuation I have counseled and coached many people that is fading? Have you or your partner been who asked if they should take a break and my cheating or thinking about it? answer was always the same, so I share it here 5. Is your partner becoming more demanding of with you. your time? Are you finding that you want more time or attention because your partner has The answer is, it depends on the reasons why. become neglectful or distant towards you? 6. Are you afraid to be alone? Does one of you I think that sometimes two people really come want more of a commitment? together for a time. They learn, they grow, 7. Are you fighting more often and having they get disappointed, they get turned on and difficulty making up? then get turned off. Some couples are truly 8. Has there been dishonesty? Are you getting addicted to the drama in the relationship. the intuitive feeling that your partner wants Perhaps the beginning was a little too perfect out and is taking the easy way out? Taking a and now that reality has set in and break is not something you can just decide imperfections are in sight. You are yourself. It has to be agreeable to both disappointed that the fantasy died. You or partners and certain rules and timetables need your partner may have difficulty accepting to be adhered to. What is scary about a break is change and reality. All relationships have that you may take one, really miss your partner, some ups and downs. Acceptance is key in want to patch things up and your partner is order to keep a relationship viable. ready to move on. For some the relationship is a roller coaster. Today we are a couple, tomorrow you are