on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 95

Each month we ask the on trend magazine contributors for their thoughts about a current topic , something on trend . This month we asked our team members “ What advice would you give your ten year younger self ?” The common theme in many of the responses is enjoy yourself ! Here are the specific responses from the trend contributors :

A collaborative Q & A compiled by trend contributor - Ronald Shapiro

Korena Knippenberg . Slow down and enjoy where you are at in life . Life will work itself out without you pushing it .

Dani Romano . Make choices based on happiness and not based upon the materials of life ! Be happier within yourself and live a life full of health . If I could re-do things I would lift many burdens I piled upon my shoulders and live full and not empty !

Nritya Ramani . Go beyond the limited study of Arabic my school offered , to achieve conversational fluency .

Ronald Shapiro . I ' d tell my much younger self to work on really becoming outstanding at what you do best and really like . Figure out how to spend less time / attention trying to become OK at that which you do not do very well and don ’ t really enjoy . I think I ' d tell my ten year younger self to make the same decisions I made for the most part .