on trend magazine issue 2 | Page 94

ADVICE I WOULD GIVE MY 10 YEAR YOUNGER SELF Gaelen Abt. You are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. And, the single most important opinion in your life is your own. Trust that. Kris Caporaso. See and experience as much of this world as possible, do things that make you happy, don't be afraid to speak exactly what's on your mind, and don't worry what other people think. Most of the time their opinions don't matter. Barbara Fritts. Melissa Gregg. It's your life and you only get one shot at it. The only person you need to please is yourself. Sharon Grossman. Think more creatively about ways to achieve your desired lifestyle rather than just fall into a pattern that feels good in the moment. Amanda Smearman. Don’t Relax, be flexible waste time trying to impress people. Spend that time focusing on yourself and and trust that things will work out. what makes you happy. Don't be afraid of failure.